Owner Jappie2003
Status online
Players 0/25
Version 1.20.4
Rank 625
Votes 0
Uptime 100%
Last Check 1 minute(s) ago
Country United States
Types PvESurvival

Amalthea is a trading-focused Minecraft server with few rules. It is based on ideas from land claim servers, anarchy servers and civ servers but it doesn't fall within any of these categories. The mechanics of the server aim to disincentivize PvP, and incentivize cooperation while also allowing for a lone-wolf playstyle for those that prefer it. Griefing is discouraged but completely allowed. With the exception of our land claims plugin, there are no other commands that you need to learn but there are quite a few unique mechanics as the server runs about 12 custom made plugins.

Server rules:

* No cheating/hacking/exploiting/DoSing/DDoSing. * No doxing. * No botting. * No spamming or advertising unrelated to the server. * No bypassing the /ignore command. * No using claims to surround other players, their builds and/or their claims. * No real life threats.

Server mechanics:

* Fully reworked PvP system. PvP skills are not really required to win a fight, the main determinant is how far each player is from their base. You could win a fight near your base without even clicking. * Land claims. (GriefPrevention) * Block breaking and crafting recipes have a chance to fail and you need to keep practicing to reduce it and be more efficient. The game is effectively more grindy than vanilla Minecraft, and materials will be more rare than in vanilla.

About Amalthea Server

Amalthea is a Minecraft server with the IP address:

How to Join Amalthea Server

To join Amalthea, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open your Minecraft launcher.
  2. Click the "Play" button.
  3. Select "Multiplayer" from the menu.
  4. Click "Add Server," enter the server address, and click "Done."
  5. Once the connection is green, click "Join Server" to start playing.

Supported Versions

Amalthea supports these Minecraft versions: 1.20.4. You can also use other older or lower versions to connect.

Server Location

Amalthea is hosted in the United States, ensuring a stable and fast connection.

Available Gamemodes

Amalthea offers various gamemodes, including PvE, Survival.

Minecraft Cracked Servers Minecraft Economy Servers Minecraft Tekkit Servers Minecraft PVE Servers Minecraft Family Friendly Servers Minecraft P2E Servers Minecraft Gens Servers Minecraft Clicker Servers Minecraft Minehut Servers Minecraft Survival Servers Minecraft Skyblock Servers Minecraft Prison Servers Minecraft Earth Servers Minecraft Pixelmon Servers Minecraft SMP Servers Minecraft Bedrock Servers Minecraft Factions Servers Minecraft Bedwars Servers Minecraft Parkour Servers Minecraft Lifesteal Servers Minecraft Citybuild Servers Minecraft PvP Servers Minecraft Cobblemon Servers Minecraft Creative Servers Minecraft Skywars Servers Minecraft Anarchy Servers Minecraft Towny Servers Minecraft Vanilla Servers Minecraft OPPrison Servers Minecraft Hardcore Servers Minecraft MCMMO Servers Minecraft Mini Games Servers Minecraft Oneblock Servers Minecraft OP Servers Minecraft Crossplay Servers Minecraft Crypto Servers Minecraft Metaverse Servers Minecraft FTB Servers Minecraft Roleplay Servers Minecraft Tycoon Servers Minecraft Gens Servers Minecraft BoxPvP Servers Minecraft Modded Servers Minecraft Meme Servers Minecraft RPG Servers Minecraft Farming Servers Minecraft Puzzle Servers Minecraft KitPvP Servers Minecraft RandomKits Servers Minecraft Simulator Servers Minecraft Hangout Servers Minecraft Factory Servers Minecraft Strategy Servers Minecraft P2W Servers Minecraft Dungeon Servers Minecraft Tower Defense Servers Minecraft Escape Servers Minecraft cPvP Servers Minecraft Gemsteal Servers